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Parham Road Baptist Church History

​On September 29th, 1960 fifty members from Deep Run Baptist Church, following much prayer, met together for the purpose of organizing a new church. A call was extended to Re. Edward G. Lambert to become the first pastor. He accepted the call and began his ministry at Parham Road on October 2nd, 1960.


For several months they met for Sunday School and worship at Tuckahoe Middle School and in the pastor’s home for Sunday and Wednesday evening services. It soon became necessary to move to Ridge Elementary School for a larger space. Each Sunday morning the pastor and the congregation would move a piano from his house, loading it on the back of a pick up truck and then unloading it at the school for worship. After worship they would reload the piano onto the truck and return it to the pastor’s home. They did this for years so they could all worship together.


The new church decided there was a need for a Baptist Church in the Parham Road area and the name Parham Road Baptist Church was adopted. The church applied for membership in the Dover Baptist Association and received membership January 15th, 1961.

We broke ground on our current facility on September 13th 1964. Our first worship service in our new sanctuary was held on July 18th 1965. On our 19th anniversary, the first Sunday of October 1979, we burned the note, after completing payment on our church building.


Rev. William O. Dillard Jr. became the 2nd pastor of the church on September 1st, 1966. He ministered for 24 years and his wife, Joyce, served as Minister of Music for 22 years. Rev. Michael C. Jones became the 3rd pastor on August 16th, 1990. Rev. James Denton became the 4th pastor in 1996. Rev. Tom Warrington became our Interim Pastor in 2000 and led us through our roof collapse in 2004. Rev. Don Matheny became our 6th pastor in 2006 and Rev. Spencer M. Dillard became our 6th pastor October 12th, 2008. We began our PRiSM Sports Ministry in 2016.


The vision for Parham Road Baptist Church is to keep our eyes on Jesus and see our community transformed by Christ as we:

Begin and Cultivate…Belong and Connect…Become and Commission


2101 North Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23229



© 2023 Parham Road Baptist Church



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